What is a wisdom tooth?
A wisdom tooth, also known as the third molar, is typically developed by humans between the ages of 17 and 25. These teeth are located in the far back of the mouth and serve the function of chewing, like other molars.
Wisdom teeth can cause problems such as crowding, pain, jaw pain, misalignment of other teeth, and the risk of infection in some individuals. Therefore, in some cases, dentists may recommend the removal of wisdom teeth.
The process of wisdom tooth extraction is performed under local anesthesia, and the dentist can use various techniques to extract the tooth. Symptoms such as pain, swelling, and sensitivity may occur after the procedure, and your dentist will provide recommendations on what to do during the healing process.
How many wisdom teeth are there? Where do wisdom teeth come in?
Wisdom teeth, typically, there are four of them in humans. These teeth are located two in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw. Humans usually develop their wisdom teeth between the ages of 17 and 25.
Wisdom teeth are located in the far back of the mouth and serve the function of chewing, like other molars. However, in some individuals, these teeth can cause problems such as crowding, pain, jaw pain, misalignment of other teeth, and the risk of infection due to insufficient space in the mouth.
The location of wisdom teeth can vary among individuals, but they typically emerge in the back of the upper and lower jaw. However, in some people, wisdom teeth may move in a different direction during eruption, exerting pressure on other teeth and causing various dental problems. Therefore, in some cases, dentists may recommend the removal of wisdom teeth.

What are the symptoms of wisdom teeth?
The emergence of wisdom teeth can cause noticeable symptoms in some individuals, including:
Pain: The emergence of wisdom teeth can cause pain by exerting pressure on surrounding tissues.
Swelling: The emergence of wisdom teeth can cause swelling in the surrounding tissues.
Jaw pain: The emergence of wisdom teeth can cause pain in the jaw muscles and joint area by exerting pressure.
Misalignment of other teeth: The emergence of wisdom teeth can cause misalignment of other teeth by pushing them.
Inflammation: Infection and inflammation can occur in the gums during the emergence of wisdom teeth.
Crowding: The emergence of wisdom teeth can cause crowding due to insufficient space between other teeth.
If you have one or more of these symptoms in your wisdom teeth, it is recommended that you consult your dentist. Your dentist can examine your teeth and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.
How is an impacted wisdom tooth detected?
An impacted wisdom tooth is a wisdom tooth that is trapped or partially trapped under or beside other teeth. In this case, a dentist can use a mouth examination, digital X-rays, and other imaging tests to detect the impacted wisdom tooth.
During a mouth examination, a dentist can look for visible signs of an impacted tooth. Symptoms caused by impacted wisdom teeth may include pain, swelling, and jaw tenderness.
Digital X-rays can help detect the impacted wisdom tooth by showing its position and shape. In some cases, other imaging tests such as advanced imaging techniques like 3D tomography may also be used.
If a dentist detects an impacted wisdom tooth, a treatment plan is determined based on the patient’s symptoms, tooth position, and other factors. In some cases, the impacted tooth needs to be extracted, while in other cases, monitoring the tooth may be sufficient.
How is a wisdom tooth extracted?
Extracting a wisdom tooth may be different from extracting other teeth because they are larger and have more complex roots. However, generally, the extraction process is as follows:
Anesthesia: The dentist applies anesthesia to the extraction area. When the area is completely numb, the dentist begins the procedure.
Tooth extraction: The dentist loosens the tissues surrounding the tooth using a special tool and gently pulls the tooth out.
Stitching: After the tooth extraction, the dentist cleans the extraction area and stitches it if necessary.
Recovery: After the tooth extraction, the dentist will give you instructions for post-extraction care. These instructions may include using an ice pack, taking pain relievers, and following a post-extraction diet, among others.

How is wisdom tooth surgery performed?
Wisdom tooth extraction is often performed as a surgical procedure, which can vary in detail depending on the position, size, and shape of the tooth. However, typically, the procedure for wisdom tooth surgery is as follows:
Anesthesia: Before the surgery, the dentist usually applies local anesthesia. In some cases, sedation or general anesthesia may be necessary.
Incision: The dentist makes an incision in the extraction area and lifts the surrounding tissue. Sometimes, the bone over the tooth may also need to be removed.
Tooth extraction: The dentist gradually removes the tooth using special instruments.
Stitches: After the surgery, the dentist cleans the extraction site and stitches it up. The stitches are usually removed after a few days.
Recovery: After the wisdom tooth surgery, the dentist will give you instructions on how to take care of the extraction site. These instructions may include using ice packs, taking pain relievers, and following a specific diet.
What are frequently asked questions about wisdom teeth?
Yes, a wisdom tooth can cause pain, swelling, and discomfort when it comes in.
Local anesthesia is usually used before removing a wisdom tooth, so you won’t feel pain during the procedure. However, there may be some mild pain and discomfort after the procedure.
Your dentist will give you detailed instructions on what to do after having a wisdom tooth removed. These may include applying ice packs, using pain relievers, and eating soft foods and liquids.
Swelling after a wisdom tooth extraction can vary from person to person. It typically decreases within 2-3 days.
Removing a wisdom tooth does not straighten teeth, but it can sometimes reduce pressure on the teeth and make orthodontic treatment easier.
Wisdom tooth extraction is generally not harmful when done properly. However, complications such as infection or other issues can occur after the extraction. It’s important to stay in communication with your dentist during the pre- and post-extraction period.